Kekla Magoon (author of The Rock and the River) has written a very timely novel involving the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager by a white man.
How It Went Down is a story told in very short bits and pieces by both eye witnesses to the incident and those who were affected, directly and indirectly by the death. Tariq Johnson was leaving the neighborhood quickstop when the owner calls out to him to stop and passersby get involved, one of them jumping out of a car and shooting Tariq. The media circus that follows closely resembles what took place soon after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. There is an Al Sharpton type character who begins using the incident to further his political career but ends up with emotions he never expected to feel. Tariq's best friend struggles in the aftermath to remain clear of the local gang that wants to recruit him and had pressured Tariq as well. Tariq's family, of course, is devastated and struggles with the rumors and accusations concerning Tariq leveled by media and police alike. Magoon does not pretend to present a solution, or even a definitive ending to the story. Was Tariq a gang member? Was he armed at all? What really went down that day?
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