Breaking Butterflies was written by M. Anjelais when she was only 18 years old. It's an unusual story and one that kept me interested until the very end. The premise has been done before (cruel abusive boy, innocent and naive girl) but this one adds something very touching and emotionally draining to it. Sphinx and Cadence were born only months apart to best friends who, only somewhat jokingly, planned their whole lives out for them. As young children they were very close, but there was always something just a little off about Cadence. When Cadence cuts Sphinx with a pocket knife and seems to show more curiosity than remorse, he and his mother move away to England and it is a few years before the two see each other again. By this time they are teenagers and Cadence has been diagnosed with leukemia. He has requested to see Sphinx one more time, so she and her mother plan a visit to England.
Anjelais brings a human touch to the cruel Cadence as Sphinx tries to understand what is going on in his head. There is a desperation about Cadence that makes him a sympathetic character despite the awful things he does and the horrible way he treats his "best friend" Sphinx. This is a story that will make you think.